
Switch on.

Engaging Australians diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) in Medtronic Diabetes’ first Australian consumer facing campaign.

Traditionally Medtronic targeted Health Care Professionals to market its insulin pump systems - an alternative solution to daily injections for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes. The challenge is that many patients have accepted daily injecting as the way they have to live and struggle to see the benefits of switching to pump therapy. In addition pumps cost $9,500, much of which is covered by health insurance, but patient awareness of this cost support is low.

When at Apparent, we developed a multi-prong digital strategy: social prospecting - including video testimonial content, behavioural display targeting, SEM and a comprehensive website. The proposition was that with a pump, you can switch on an easier and potentially healthier way to live with Type 1 diabetes, for example Switch on a healthier pregnancy and Switch on less hypos. This allowed us to develop deep keyword targeting strategies to reach T1D’s in social diabetic environments as well as relevant and contextual health environments. Activity performed over 40% above target.